The Indiana Karst Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization that has been protecting caves and karst landscapes, and educating people about the importance and unique aspects of karst since 1986.

IKC Bat Surveys - Reach out to IKC board member and bat biologist Goni Iskali if you would like to assist in an evening of acoustic and visual bat surveying at one of our preserves this summer. YOU MUST contact Goni in order to come on one of the following dates....
Friday, June 21 - Shawnee (Lawrence County); Saturday, July 6 - Lowry (Jennings County); Saturday, August 10 - Sullivan (Lawrence County)

Wyandotte Cave Tour with the IKC - followed by optional stewardship opportunity - Sunday, June 30 at 9 am EDT - More info and register at

Sullivan Preserve Stewardship Opportunity - Sunday, September 8 at 11 am EDT. IKC board meeting will follow at 1 pm.

Big Day Birding Event - Saturday, October 12 from 9-11 am EDT, Robinson Ladder Karst Preserve - find more details here when available.

Winter Tree ID Hike at Shawnee Karst Preserve followed by optional stewardship opportunity - Saturday, November 9 - More info and register at

Mission accomplished! We have reached our fund-raising goal for acquiring the expansion property connecting the IKC Wayne Cave Preserve with the National Speleological Society's Richard Blenz Preserve in Monroe County. Many thanks to all our donors; a list can be viewed here.

Join the IKC - Click the Join Us! menu item above for more information. You can pay dues on-line or by traditional mail.

Henderson Park - The IKC now manages access for the City of Salem and The Nature Conservancy to the caves within Henderson Park for recreational caving. Groups wishing to gain access need to apply for a permit. Click here for details.

Indiana DNR - The IKC manages access for the DNR to several caves within Spring Mill State Park and Cave River Valley for recreational caving. Groups wishing to gain access must apply for a permit and comply with proper WNS decontamination protocols. Click here for details.

IKC membership brochure (923k PDF file)
Back issues of the IKC Update online
Our sinkhole management flyer (321k PDF file)
Purchase IKC promo items. Proceeds go to the land acquisition fund.

Donate to the IKC - Help us preserve Indiana's sensitive karst resources.