Wayne Cave Preserve

Please check out our exciting Wayne Cave Preserve expansion project!

Formations near Camp 1

The IKC purchased the Wayne Cave property on July 2, 2003. The preserve was expanded in 2014 and again in 2018 when adjacent properties were acquired, and now consists of 57.6 acres overlying the entrance and much of the cave passage. Wayne Cave is currently the 9th-longest cave system in Indiana, and is considered one of the "classic" Indiana caves. This cave contains a diverse troglobitic fauna including the Northern cave crayfish, Orconectes inermis. Sinkholes elsewhere on the property are known to provide habitat for a variety of tiny animals that prefer sinks over caves or the surface.

The IKC has leased and managed access to this cave since 1986. The IKC continues to allow appropriate access to various cavers and groups including church, scout, and educational organizations. Proper caving equipment is required, along with an understanding that the cave must be protected -- "leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time." As with the IKC's other cave preserves, foot traffic access by the general public is allowed for hiking, nature watching, mushroom hunting, and other low-impact surface activities. One mile of trails are maintained on the property and camping is also allowed with permission. Refer to the management plan for more details regarding access policy.

The IKC is proud to own this significant cave resource and is grateful to everyone who contributed. We would like to particularly recognize the following people and organizations who have donated $10,000 or more:  Richard Blenz, Keith Dunlap, Matt Selig, the IPALCO Golden Eagle Grant program, The Nature Conservancy, and the National Speleological Society.

Although the IKC is no longer actively soliciting acquisition donations for Wayne Cave, there remains the need to maintain the property (see more photos), rebuild our cave acquisition fund, and for ongoing stewardship activities. If you have visited Wayne Cave and enjoyed what it has to offer, your tax-deductible donation would be greatly appreciated. Please send your check to the following address:

Wayne Cave Preserve
c/o Indiana Karst Conservancy
PO Box 2401
Indianapolis, IN 46206-2401

Checks should be payable to the "Indiana Karst Conservancy." Online donations may also be made using PayPal or any major credit card. The IKC greatly appreciates your support!

For cave access requests, please contact:

Dave Everton, Cave Patron
7240 Zikes Rd
Bloomington, IN 47401
Email: DEverton@iu.edu
Phone: 812-272-2300

Questions or suggestions about the preserve may be directed to:

Cris Seuell, Property Manager
7220 W Holland Hill Ln
Bloomington, IN 47403
Email: CSeuell82@gmail.com
Phone: 812-606-4810

Members of local NSS grottoes may also arrange access through their grotto liaison.

Wayne Cave Preserve Documents: