Sullivan Cave Donation List

$5,000 or more
Dick Blenz
Central Indiana Grotto
IPALCO Golden Eagle Grant
National Speleological Society
$1,000 to $4,999
Bruce Bowman
Danielle Burden
Bob Decker
Keith Dunlap
Bambi Erwin
Jeff Farr
Dave Haun
Kriste Lindberg
Steve Lockwood
Tom Rea
Larry Reece
Bob & Phyllis Sergesketter
Tom Sollman
Fred Steinhoff
Bill Tozer
Bruce Trotter
Bob Vandeventer
Dick & Sue Vernier
Kathy Welling
Dean Wiseman
Evansville Metro Grotto
Greater Cincinnati Grotto
Marengo Cave
Richmond Area Speleological Society
The Robertson Association
Virginia Karstlands
$250 to $999
Robert Armstrong
George Brutchen
Chris Carpenter
Tony & Leslie Cunningham
Mark Deebel
Samuel Frushour
Hank Huffman & Ellen Jacquart
Robert Kolstad
Steve McKenzie
Jane Miller
Lynn Miller
Ernie Payne
Donald Peters
Buford Pruitt, Jr
Nadine Radkey
Mark Tozer
Dave Weliever
1997 Fall MVOR
The Cleveland Grotto
Harrison-Crawford Grotto
Southeastern Cave Conservancy
St Joseph Valley Grotto
Sycamore Land Trust
$100 to $249
Bruce Barnes
Ted Bice
Amy Branigin
Keith G Calkins
Martin Church
Rane Curl
Bruce & Deb Devore
Scott & Jaime Fee
Joe Gasperi
William Halliday
John Hartman
Tem Hornaday
Glenn Kotnik
David Lasser
Daniel Lucas
Bob Masta
Larry Mullins
Nick Noe
Mitchell Norris
Bill Owens
Everett Pulliam
Steve Ragsdale
Matt Reece
Robert Roundy
Don & June Shofstall
Kevin Strunk
Stan Weinzapfel
Steve Weinzapfel
Norbert Welsh
Jeff Weston
Rich & Joyce Whisler
Kevin Wools
Bloomington Indiana Grotto
IU Spelunking Club
Mid-Hoosier Grotto
NCRC - Central Region
Northern Indiana Grotto
Paha Sapa Grotto
Tri-State Grotto
Windy City Grotto
$50 to $99
James & Kim Adams
Tom Ahlers
The Boehler Family
Jeff Bray
Carl Brown
Larry & Linda Bundy
Dale Chase
Jack Countryman
Dave Everton
Patrick & Nathana Jarboe
Gary Napper
Richard Newton
Sandy Packman
Walter Pirie
Charles Rex
Ron Richards
Stephen & Diana Schuh
Gregory Stamp
David Taylor
Kent Wilson
Jack Wood
James Wright
Dayton Underground Grotto
Mark Twain Grotto
Meramec Valley Grotto
Michigan Interlakes Grotto
MSM Spelunker's Club
Near Normal Grotto
VPI Cave Club
Wittenberg Univ Speleological Society
$5 to $49
James Adler
Jay & Karen Arnold
Marty Atherton
Jackie Belwood
John Benton
Brandon Billings
James Braswell
Barb Capocy
George Cesnik
Jeff Cobb
Jeff Cody
Bill Davis
Michael Dowden
Ron Dowell
Bruce Foyer
Ted Frost
Matt Gibson
James Helmbold
Tim Heppner
Hilary Lambert Hopper
Robert Jarboe
Kate Johnson
John Koch
Thomas Liddle
Steven Masters
Dan McDowell
Jon Miller
Art & Peggy Palmer
Theresa Peterson
Allen Plourde
Jan Pursley
Kevin Rasmus
Rusty Riley
Jo Schaper & Eugene Vale
Susan & Dave Strickland
Barry Welling
Dave Welton
John Wilkerson
Frederick Grotto
Miami Valley Grotto
Western Indiana Grotto

Total donations: $71,033
September 30, 1999

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