Wayne Cave Preserve Expansion Photos
Typical springtime wooded hillside and understory of The Connection 20-acre expansion property
Typical wintertime wooded hillside
One of many shagbark hickorys on the property that are great summer habitat with at least five Indiana bat winter hibernacula less than one mile away (as the bat flies)
Unique karst sinkhole swamp/pond located on the property line between the Wayne Cave Preserve (background) and the 20-acre expansion property (foreground). Spring vegetation.
Close-up of the swamp/pond showing the rare sedge. This photo is framed to show the portion of the pond on the expansion property.
The sinkhole pond during the winter. Wayne Cave Preserve (background) and the 20-acre expansion property (foreground)
Jim's Hole, a 150-foot-long cave is on the expansion property.
Sassafras Pit (15 feet deep) is a small pit located on the expansion property
A winter panorama of the wooded hillside panning east (left) to south (center) to west (right)